New rules for the use of personal protective equipment

The new wording of NR06 – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was published by MPT Ordinance No. 2175 on July 28, 2022, and brought some changes and harmonization with the current version of NR01 – General Provisions and Management of Occupational Risks.

The issue records of PPE must be precise and can be adopted by means of a book, forms, or electronic-biometric systems. PPE must be used after assessing and proving that the collective protective measures are insufficient or not feasible to protect the workers.

Selection of PPE

According to the new wording of NR06, the selection of PPE must be registered and can be integrated into the Risk Management Program (PGR). When identifying an agent that can cause accidents and harm to workers it is fundamental to choose a PPE correctly.

The organization must select the PPE by observing the points described in the standard. The equipment must meet the verification even if the equipment is approved, which means, even if it has a Certificate of Approval (CA). Regarding hearing protection, in the activities performed in environments with high noise levels, it is necessary to adopt preventive measures according to the hazards identified and the occupational risks assessed.

The selection of hearing protectors requires meeting several requirements, especially the measurement of sound pressure levels in the environment and the corresponding noise reduction ratings (NRR) that the protector must offer. The data required to know the effectiveness of the protector and how to check the validity of the Certificates of Approval (CA), illustrations of different hearing protectors are provided in Annex I of the standard.

Selection and Use of Respiratory Protection

“According to NR06, the PPE must be selected considering the requirements set forth in the regulatory standards (NR) and in the legal provisions. Article 44 of MTP Ordinance No. 672 of 8/11/2021, which sets out the procedures, programs, and conditions for occupational health and safety, states that the selection and use of PPEs should follow, where applicable, in addition to the provisions of the regulatory standards, the recommendations contained in the Fundacentro publication entitled Respiratory Protection Program – Recommendations, Selection and Use of Respirators (PPR).”

Source: Fundacentro